I want to be the first to welcome you to the Mount Epic website and challenge you to live ‘Epically’, to Live Mount Epic. What is Mount Epic? …and what exactly does it mean to Live Mount Epic?
The Mount Epic brand was born from an intense love of the outdoors and an extreme desire to pursue trophy game, it represents a way of life for us, a desire to approach our passions in a ‘larger-than-life’ way. While each of us is uniquely different, many of us share that primal need, that same calling that begs us to escape the trappings and insanity of everyday life, to bypass mediocrity and pursue something legendary. I honestly believe that deep within each of us lies an intensely inescapable desire to challenge our-selves in the ultimate pursuit. For me, that particular hunger is all about pursuing the smartest big-game animals on the planet. It is with this in mind that I designed the Mount Epic logo.
Quite simply, to live ‘Epically’, to Live Mount Epic, is to go where others will not, to do things others cannot, and to show respect for those around us and for the areas in which we love to hunt, hike, fish, and pursue our passions.
Satisfaction? Gratification? They come in many forms, but for me personally …they come not from the actual shot, but rather, the pursuit; they are firmly rooted in each and every step/action that leads me up to that shot opportunity. Successful hunts are not always defined by whether or not one actually harvests an animal. Remember, that as cliché as it sounds, life truly is about the journey, not the destination.
For me in particular, my love of the outdoors/hunt was spawned by my father and grandfather. Trap-ping and hunting the woods and hollows of Western PA for more than 60 years, my grandfather was an avid outdoors-man in truest sense of the word. He taught my father and myself how to hunt and fish, and more importantly, how critical it is to be respectful of the great outdoors and the trophies we love to pursue. My father was one of the best shots I have ever seen, and while I will never be the marksman he was, he managed to inspire and fan that flame in me even brighter over the years, with numerous hunts and camping trips. They have both since passed away, but some of my fondest memories center on those trips I shared with both of them, and the wisdom with which they imparted on me.
Roughly three years ago, while on a muley hunt in Southern Utah, the genesis of what would become Mount Epic, hit me like a hammer to the head. I was thunderstruck with the realization that I had done very little to continue in the manner and traditions of those who inspired me, particularly over some-thing with which I am so deeply passionate. This website and its social media extensions were de-signed as tools to help me achieve my goals of inspiring, instilling, and fostering that Epic passion in others: my own children, grandchildren, family members, and friends.
My wife and I share a deep love of the outdoors and our hope is that you find inspiration in a variety of mediums, whether it be in the Epic Lifestyle room on our website/social media pages, or within the M.E. family. I highly encourage you to join the Mount Epic family and share your Epic pursuits with us.
Additionally, our products have been designed with an eye on quality and creativity, and were largely derived from the core concept of living and achieving in an Epic way. The Mount Epic logo represents something all of us truly desire – our commitment to pursue our passions in an Epic way.
Lastly I want to point out that living ‘Epically’ need not necessarily be limited to those of us with a passion for hunting and the outdoors. Anyone with a hunger, desire, strong love, or passion for sport and life, can choose to approach and challenge themselves with that Epic mindset; to go big, go strong, go Epic…to truly live life in a most Epic way…to Live Mount Epic. How do you Live Mount Epic?
Bill and Brandi Mostowy
Our Family